California landscape showing Sitton Peak in the distance

Chiquito Trail, Sitton Peak in the distance

California landscape showing a church nestled in the Saddleback Mountains

Church nestled in the mountains

California landscape image showing a trail with the Saddleback mountains in the distance

Distant Saddlebacks mountains

California landscape of caves with hills in the distance

Caves in Aliso and Wood Canyons

California landscape showing a trail heading away towards the distant Saddleback mountains

Trail heading towards the Saddleback mountains

California landscape showing a vernal pond with the Saddleback mountains in the background

Vernal pond after a wet winter

California landscape on an early spring morning on a wooded trail

Early spring morning on a wooded trail

California landscape of a ridge trail on a foggy morning

Misty morning on a ridge trail

California landscape image of an oak tree on a wooded trail

A majestic oak in Whiting Ranch

California landscape showing a winding trail

Limestone Canyon winding trail

California landscape showing the sunrise on a trail

Sunrise on the trail

California landscape showing a winding mountain trail on a misty morning

Laguna coast misty morning

California landscape showing wintry reflections in the calm water of a lake

Wintry reflections

California landscape showing reflections in the calm waters of a lake at sunrise

Lake Mission Viejo sunrise

California landscape showing early spring growth on a trail with the Saddleback mountains in the distance

Early spring on the trail

California landscape of the colourful red rock formations

Red Rock Canyon

California landscape showing autumn tints on a wooded trail

Autumn tints

California landscape showing a wooded scene in autumn

Clear autumn morning

California landscape of the brow of a hill with the Saddleback mountains in the distance

Brow of the hill

California landscape showing a long exposure image of a waterfall

Ortega falls

California landscape of a ridge trail leading to the distant Saddleback mountains

Ridge trail

California landscape in the spring showing flowering lupins with green hills in the distance

Limestone Canyon lupins

California landscape showing an old wrecked car on a wooded trail

Car wreck trail

California landscape of a prominent limestone rock formation

The Sinks

California landscape showing a distant red rock formation

Red Rock Ridge

California landscape showing a dense area of Cholla cacti

Cholla cacti

California landscape showing a yucca cactus

Joshua Tree Yucca

California landscape showing a desert valley view taken from a mountain ridge

Dante's View

California landscape showing a tree growing on the side of a mountain with a desert valley below


California landscape showing some spectacular rock formations in the desert

Zabriskie Point

These California landscape images have been captured while hiking along various trails in Southern California. There are numerous SoCal trails and they vary in location from the coast to the mountains, and the terrain from urban to wilderness. The trails I frequented were generally within striking distance (an hour's drive or so) from my home, but occasionally travel expanded my horizons and led me to some more far-flung locations such as Death Valley. There are various state, county and city organizations that look after parks and trails in SoCal and maintain the natural habitat for plants and animals. One local to where I lived was the Irvine Ranch Natural Landmarks, which looks after nearly 40,000 acres of open space. I enjoyed being a frequent visitor to these trails. 
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